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Sunday, 26 November 1995

Can animals go or do wrong

To think that an animal can go or do wrong is an extreme folly of man's brain.Animals have been for long mute spectators to man's activities.Man has slaughtered them for his food,has harnessed them into reins for transport,has used their hides to protect himself from forces of nature,has used them to make medicines and he has used them to make ornaments.Man from the time he appeared on Earth till now has been extremely cruel to animals.Men destroys Bee-hives and steal Honey from it which Bee collect with extreme hard work.Men kill Elephants for its Tusk,Rhinoceros for his horns and some east-Asian countries import Tiger's body parts to make medicines.

So we can say that today when man is committing such wrongs against animals then how can an animal go or do wrong.Some people say that it is animal's fault that they roam on roads and it is due to their own fault that they get killed by road vehicles.They forget that these roads cut through forests,recently carved by men and hampers natural movement of wild animals.These roads are needed for quick transport but they do leave wild-life bewildered by these fast moving vehicles and many of them get killed every year in accidents.

In cities many Cows who go dry are abandoned by their owners.They roam on roads and sit in the middle of a thoroughfare and many times get killed by collision with heavy trucks etc.Many animals are used in testing drugs and for other medical researches.

Thus we can see that men are using animals at every point of his life and in almost every part of the world.So it can be concluded that its all man's folly for he has intelligence,he can judge if his acts are right or wrong.But animals who lack intelligence follow their natural instincts.So we can not blame animals if we Humans get harmed.