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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Foolish Indian media and Charlie Hebdo attacks

Zee News came in complete support of Charlie Hebdo and denounced the cowardly satanic attack on its offices. But other Indian media kept harping on religious sensitivity and how there should be limits when it comes to criticizing faith or religion. Its mind boggling how the news channels or their panellists seem to justify such terrorist attacks on this premise that this satirical magazine hurt religious sentiments of Muslims. Even if you agree that they hurt religious sentiments, is such butchering of unarmed people justified. That mere drawing a satirical cartoon or depicting the Prophet could enrage people so much that they are ready to kill, and here our Indian media justifying it.We Hindus never expect people of other faiths to follow our ways or worship our gods why Jehadists or extremists should think that people of different faiths would respect their religion like them. Isn't it extremely stupid to make plans to go and kill cartoonists in far of European country just because they drew a harmless cartoon. Also if we go deep Muslim fundamentalists and extremists have never respected other People religion. The biggest example is The Bamiyan Buddhas which Taliban destroyed. So you don't have the faintest respect  for other people's religion and faith and are quick to destroy their Heritage but expect others to respect your own religion.

So I feel infuriated when such silly discussion take place. No reason is big enough to justify killing innocent people. No religion will teach you to slaughter other human beings. Forgiveness,love and compassion is the basis of all faiths and religion. If you are really pious and religious you would be far removed from such emotions of anger and hatred.

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