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Thursday, 31 January 2013

Most Memorable Childhood Memories

 I loved playing eye-spy at night.friends would hide here and there

loved wandering around searching new ways.

kept jugnus in matchbox.

wandered around in school after classes were over.Eating forgetten tiffins and picknig up trinklets here and their.

use to accumulate wood for holi bon fire.

playing cricket was fun too also played ball games of different kind and sikdi too.

went to my mom's village and roam around every where.their were few houses and lot of trees and some places their were long sunflower fields.and so many different kinds of insects live their.

bathing ouside on tubewells was fun and delightful.sometimes went to little river and bathed their though never learned to swim.

even going to milkmen house fo bringing milk was fun.all type of men and women would get their and gossip about everything from household matters to festival and was very interesting to just sit their and listen.

few paying guests too come around to live,i also looked after their kids sometime they were delightful.

films were played at night on video generally three films,and watching them was good though i slept after watching one.

at schools girls were really funny and their interaction would keep you in splits and you will laugh till your stomach aches.the nice little boys that come on our school bus were classes boys and girls would distribute sweets on their birthday.

school fetes were great teachers and students built small shops selling all kind of food stuffs and things.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Make Way for Tomorrow (1937) and Baghban (2003)

"Make way for Tomorrow" according to Orson Welles was the saddest movie ever made. Victor Moore and Beulah Bondi are quite charming as the elderly couple who get separated by their financial difficulties.Both go to live separately with different children,as none of their five children will take both parents in.Its a well scripted film where nobody's entirely good or bad: The children do mean well, but let selfishness intervene; the aged parents are victims, but they're also unavoidably inconvenient and occasionally annoying.

The story is about an elderly married couple (Victor Moore and Beulah Bondi) who lose their house to the bank. None of their five children has enough room for both of them, so they end up breaking up, supposedly temporarily, to live in the homes of two of their children. Moore goes with his daughter (Minna Gombell) and Bondi goes with her son (Thomas Mitchell). Much of the movie focuses on Bondi living with her son's family (Fay Bainter is Mitchell's wife and Barbara Read his daughter). It's Hell for all of them. Bondi's old fashioned ways are annoying to the family. She herself feels out of place and confused, having lived with her husband for 50 years. Meanwhile, Moore is having just as awful a time at his daughter's place.In the climax the old couple finally reunites. It's pretty much the first time in the film we see them spend a significant amount of time together, and these two people who seemed so awkward apart feel like a whole together. We see their love, we feel for what they've lost.And they finally say goodbye at the railway station the wife not telling her Husband that she has agreed to go and live in an Old Age Home.

Baghban (2003) has a similar theme and scenes and situations that are inspired from this Classic.It was a great success and first of its kind.