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Friday, 4 January 2013

Delhi Gang Rape - A defining moment in Indian History

As I was watching tributes pouring in for Victims of Connecticut Massacre on CNN,I could hardly hold back my tears.Then on another channel was News of a young woman gang-raped in Delhi.What was similar in both cases was the ghastly and satanical nature of the crime committed.Gruesome details of the Rape victim's sufferings soon emerged evoking a first of its kind Nationwide protests.Its a huge shame for a Democracy like ours if we can't ensure safety of our Women.Crimes against Women are on rise and this incident brought to light really how bad things are.Citizens have no faith in Police and many times Women are molested inside Police-Stations.An average Indian is too scared to go into a Police Station and the general feeling is that Cops are as bad as gangsters.I live in Lucknow and here in two of our Police Stations senior Police Officers molested Women who came to lodge F.I.R.s ,namely Sarojini Nagar Police Station and Sadar Police Station.

Police Reforms should be introduced to make Police more citizen friendly and easily accessible.At least Fast track courts for Rape Cases have already been set up.Their is no law against Stalking in India which ought to be introduced.Most importantly our Society should bring change from within shedding its inherently Sexist attitude and Hypocrisy.We know these men who committed this ghastly act don't represent an average Indian men who now are working alongside their women counterparts or who have women as their bosses.The problem is we have abysmal conviction rate,most of the time Cases drag on for years.

Here are some reactions from our citizens

"I do not believe anything could be a harsh enough punishment for  something like that. Hearing about that incident made me angry and made  me cry. I cannot even begin to imagine how the family could be handling  the trauma and the disrespect that the poor girl went through. I am an  Indian, and instead of assuring the protesters with some hint of a  constitutional amendment that would make rapists greatly fear the  consequences, the police are beating them up and using hoses to disperse  the crowd.
Yes, hanging is still used as punishment.
I feel that if there's anything close to an appropriate punishment, it  would be to pull out the prostates of all the rapists with a stick  inserted through their urethrae.
Dr. redthumb, one of the accused who was put in prison got attacked by  the other inmates so they put him in solitary confinement. >:(
It is also unnerving to listen to the numerous people saying it's the girl's fault for boarding the wrong bus.
It's so hard to be safe in India anymore.
And of course, although not in this case, there are hundreds of people  that believe women are 'asking for it' by wearing slutty clothes (while  in reality, even a woman wearing a completely decent, non revealing  outfit, such as the Indian chudidhar, is equally vulnerable to rape,  molestation or eve-teasing)."

"Just put aside the 6 accused for the moment and consider this...

Right now, a Country of 1.2 billion people has put their entire Gvmt on  trial.  Their laws, their customs, the behaviour of the entire judicial  system from a High Court Judge all the way down to the local Police  Officer are all under inditement for their total failure to provide  protection and justice to over half the population... Namely, women and  girls.

India should be ashamed of herself and act with the utmost speed and  write and enforce a code that absolutely guarantees protection to all  women and girls, rich or poor...
  • "

"A woman who suffered a brain injury and massive internal damage while  being gang raped on a New Delhi bus while on her way home from a movie  earlier this month has died.

The six suspects held in connection with the attack on the 23 year old  medical student were charged with murder following her death, police  said. The maximum penalty for murder is death.

I believe hanging is still used in India as punishment for those sentence to death."

"After a rape incident in Delhi ( a brutal one), the mob went crazy and  violent... Some person asked for castration in this case on Facebook.These people are wrong to ask for such punishments in our civil  democratic society,we are not like Taliban."

There were many rape cases reported again. A widow being raped by a  gang. A 11 years and 8 years old girl raped, just within two days.

It's very bad to touch a girl without her consent. And the saddest part  was that they attacked her very badly and one idiot reported that he  doubts if he saw her intestine hanging out. She was attacked along with  her boyfriend and thrown out from the bus to a bridge. I'm sure that  Indian law is not in favor of giving death penalty for rapists but  people here are rioting for a change in the constitution.

Doctors announced even today that she is very critical and we Indians are praying for her."

"I'm from India, Delhi. Yes it's pretty unsafe here. After this incident  I'm scared. This brutal incident goes in mind all the time. We went out  for protests fighting for our security and justice for that girl,  victim. Also we feel western countries like America and Australia are  pretty safe. Here, the condition is disgusting. We can't wear what we  want to. We can't go out after 12. I mean we can, but then males think  we are giving them an "invitation" to rape us. I believe if a place is  not safe, it's only because the govt. is not working efficiently. There  is not enough security and protection provided. And if such incidents  like rapes or molestation takes place, a loud and quick action is not  taken. Laws are weak. Justice is delayed. Such place is India and  therefore it's not safe for women. We have to be all by ourselves. This  is sickening. I'm really sorry to say this but it's a curse for someone  to a be a girl/female ad to be born/live in India. Shameful."

"Since four days, I have been reading about a brutal gang-rape on a 23  year old woman that recently occurred in Delhi, India. The victim was  tormented with an iron rod that was pushed inside her and pulled out  with so much force that it took almost all of her intestines out on the  spot. Later she lost the remaining gangrenous intestine at a surgery,  yesterday, leaving her no other option, but to never be able to eat a  meal again in her life, even if she survives this critical condition  she's currently in. But she still said to her mother yesterday, "Maa,  please save me. I want to live."

This left me crying.

These news of a suffering woman who is of my age, has thrown me into an  intense depression. I have stopped living normally, can't sleep at night  and only getting sleep for a few hours since the day I've got the news.  I've stopped all work, and can't even eat. Whenever I'm taking a little  of any food, some obvious visions is making me throw up immediately.

I cried all day, today, as I went on watching the updates every minute, which pointed out that she was deteriorating.

I'm still crying, sleep deprived and is feeling like throwing up  whenever I'm closing my eyes that makes me spontaneously imagine the  situation a woman of my age went through, that catastrophic night."

"It is true that delhi is not at ol safe for girls, when I walk on  roadside some guys pass by me by touching badly. I just dnt do anything i  think that i cant do anything, and if i try to do something then they  would do something much bad with me. Coz many a time i hv heard n even  see that if a girl try to take some action against the guy then in  return the guy do rape the girl as his revenge. Thats y I just ignore."

"Pro-active Society can help prevent such incidents.We can set up a  website where videos of eve-teasers and stalkers could be uploaded to  shame them in front of family and friends.People can come together in  streets and buses wherever such incidents take place instead of just  over-looking them.Police can't be everywhere its the citizens who have  to come forward in such situations to help each other.Lastly we can  change laws to send a Rapist to Life-imprisonment for his whole  life.Castration and death-penalty is not the answer as our Judicial  system is flawed and evidence can be cooked up,and these two penalties  can't be reversed if on later date we discover the truth.Also wives and  daughters and sisters should see to it that their men never violate  another woman's dignity.Rapists are not aliens they come from our  society itself so its the society who should take responsibility for the  security of its women."

"our  society...kitni hyped hai ye cheze yahan...talking abt sex is a taboo  here..padhe like illetrates ki society hai..things should be made open n  allowed so that aise bhukh bhediyon ki tarah na ghumein....such highly  sexulay aroused males can do nething to satisfy thselves...shit heads.."

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