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Tuesday 31 December 2013

Why Rohit committed suicide?

 Rohit was a nice courteous boy that studied in my younger brother's class,though in a different section.He was the only brother of three sisters and youngest in the family.A shy introvert Rohit found his life turning into a living hell when 7 th class onwards some bullies of his class started teasing him because his voice had yet not broken.They made fun of his voice called him names,he was too reserved to complain to Principal "Father" or to his Parents.He had this strange notion of not being a tell-tale or not complaining about his roguish classmates even if they made his life difficult.He went on suffering,though some-days would be better when they left him alone or were too busy harassing other hapless students.

But one day when he came to my Brother's section and some boys called him vulgar names,calling him sissy etc.,his eyes welled with tears which he somehow contained within his eyes.He could no longer suffer this public humiliation,somewhere his heart broke for he had studied with these classmates since he was a child.He could not understand how these boys with whom he shared joys and sorrows,played and studied with them ,shared tiffin could be so cruel to him.He understood that day,that they do not care about him or his feelings at all and would humiliate him all over again just for mirth and laughter or just to have some sadistic evil fun.He lost his will to live or go on in this world filled with such kind of people.

Next day when my brother went to School ,a holiday had been declared,when my brother asked why? class-teacher told them that Rohit their classmate committed suicide yesterday night consuming "sulphas" tablets leaving behind his devastated doting sister and distressed Parents.

P.S. In Lucknow sulphas tablets were kept inside food grain sacks to keep it safe from worms in the 1990s.

Sulphas Tablets is aluminum phosphate. When aluminum phosphate enters the intestines, it releases phosphine gas, a vascular toxic, causing hypo-tension or a drop in the blood pressure. This leads to multiple organ damage and there is no antidote to this except supportive treatment. There is a close to 100 per cent mortality rate.’’

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