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Friday, 15 November 2013

What not to do in Social Life

1)Don't get influenced by other people's agenda.People who are bullies by nature try to dominate conversations or make people talk about things they want them to talk about.In turn trying to make you a puppet so you may even start thinking like them.

2)Discuss what you want to discuss what you think is important and close to your heart.Be cool never let violent rough people or language cloud and influence your judgement.

3)Don't jump into other people conversation or give unwanted unasked for advice.Its not good etiquette to interfere when two or more people may be discussing something.And if you give unwanted advice people generally think you are a smart-ass trying to make them look dumb.

4)Steer clear of people with negative personalities who may be overtly sociopath.People with hidden agendas generally mobilize gullible people to form a mob and it generally leads to anarchy.

5)Maintain direct relationship with everybody,never talk behind their back.If you have certain issues or you dislike some aspect of their behavior its better to raise them in such a manner so as not to demean them and they can understand and comprehend your point of view. 

6)Try sharing your joys with people you know at work-place or in your locality.

7)Overlook faults in people or forgive them easily for their sporadic lapses in behavior if you think they are good at heart and never mean any harm.Its plain stupid if you get angry or stop speaking with somebody over a trifle dispute.

From Jumping Sun on Yahoo

Don't compare yourself with others as we don't know their history and life-path.

Show your keen interest to listen what other wants to say and share. Everybody wants to have a good listener.

Don't tell your sob stories. No body has the time and patience to hear negative things. Always be cheerful and talk only positive things.

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