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Friday, 3 February 2012

Spooky Pictures of ghost infested Bijli Pasi Fort in Aashiana Lucknow India

Bijli Pasi Qila (Fort) in Aashiana Locality was the site of a Bloody Medieval Battle,its said their ghosts still haunt the locality and nobody prospers or can be happy here,atmosphere is so full of dread,foreboding and Malevolence that the individual becomes depressed and suicidal.

Paranormal activity is quite high around the Bijli Pasi fort area.Ghosts lurk in every corner behind those high walls.Peacocks inside the fort live in thick Jungles surrounding it .They get really menacing at night and screech like banshees and fly off here and there as if trying to escape something.

The Gupta empire (fourth to sixth century A.D.) as well as the empire of Harsha (seventh century) had brought the entire northern India under strong, centralised rule for a long period. However, the region saw a bitter struggle for domination between three powers, the Rashtrakutas, the Pratiharas and the Palas in the subsequent centuries. Maharaja Bijli Pasi who is credited with the founding of Bijnor, now a small town near Lucknow, was an enlightened ruler who appears to have consolidated his position and established his reign over a large tract of land in this region. He was a contemporary of Prithviraj Chauhan. He was an able leader of the "Pasis" , a fiercely independent people indigenous to the locality. He constructed 12 forts which is an indication of the prosperity of his kingdom as well as the power he wielded. Through this issue celebrating Maharaja Bijli Pasi, the Department of Posts invites attention to the reign of this legendary monarch, and tales of bravery, deified through folklore traditions.


  1. ? where's the spooky? it's a bunch of blurry pics...

  2. You have to be there to feel the spirits that wander around in the form of cold mist,Any time I am their I feel a tingling sensation going down my spine extreme terror seems to fill in the hearts of people who some how wander up here.People in the vicinity too afraid to come out.Its a large park but you don't see a soul their in the evening.

  3. I believe there are spirits all around all the time. I never use to be a ghost believer but now my husband and I have evidence. I would not be afraid of battle locations. I think I would be more afraid of living next to a cemetery. You can simply find out if you have spirits in you home, here is my story. If you really want to know, do what we did. We have video proof. My husband and I live in a haunted apartment. Our activity started 2 years ago when I got a new computer with a built in web cam. I was talking to a friend of ours one night and she told me a dark shadow passed behind me, I laughed and ignored her. 3 nights later, a different friend said the same thing! I thought it was odd but still ignored it. That next night, the activity started. We have now had darker than dark shadows, noises including pops in mid air, voices that are clear but I can't understand the words, my shoulder being touched at night while sleeping, objects moving and disappearing, doors open and close, TV on and off, light bulbs blow so hard they spark to the floor, smells and ice cold air pockets in rooms. I have recently found a carving in the wooden hand rail of our deck that I have not seen before. It clearly mentions a death and the years 1981-1999. This would mean the death was of a 18 years old child. We are not sure if it was a person who lived here or if it was a memorial carved by a relative or friend. We did investigate the history but no young deaths were found. I will say that the dark mass is about 6 feet tall and could easily be a 18 year old boy. We decided to use my computer web cam to record the living room at night as we slept. We made sure there was a small light on so the cam would pick up something. We also turned on a small flashlight that pointed towards the wall in order to pick up anything that walks past it and fades out the light. Just be sure you are mentally ready to accept what you may catch on audio or video. You can not forget what you have seen.

  4. Yes and no (well for me its like that). It worse for me where loads of animals have been slaughtered. Some human slaughter places do creep me out but its different from person to person.
    Maybe move if its that bad
    Personal experience

  5. I know how you feel...I don't like places where people were killed PERIOD. I had to go to the tower of London where people were not only killed but were tortured too. At first I wanted to go but the minute I got there I felt like I needed to get my butt out of there. Lol. You can't let it rule your life though. Understand that those events happened a long time ago and that it was the past.

    If you mean that you are afraid of ghosts I totally understand, my house is extremely haunted. A few of my friend's are afraid of my house.
