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Saturday, 22 August 2015

Visit to Mandvi,Gujarat - 8 April 2015

"As the waves surged forward touching and submerging my feet, I felt as if the sea was an old fatherly figure showing his love for me. Or an old earthly figure from times long gone showing his love for all mankind."

In the morning I woke up the night-watchman to open the locked gates of Hotel and set up for the beach. I was on the wrong track when an old man set me right. It was a long walk passing by a large radar sort of thing. I have never seen the sea, it took me a while  to take in the whole view, the beach, people on morning-walk, wind park, little boats and light house on top of a cliff. And the vast sea.

Twice I picked up a shell and was surprised by a creature suddenly coming out. A shell stationery at first suddenly started walking. I saw two guys on motorcycle driving along the sea. Few people giving food to sea-birds. People with Camels coming around asking people to take a ride. Had Coconut water at only 10 Rs .Saw two Dogs running around on the Beach.

After a while as Sun rose in the sky few people were left around and the sea waves were retreating leaving behind clean sand beach and other sea-stuff. Near the sea Beach seemed rocky covered by sand and as I walked on it on my bare legs, it felt walking on a soft carpet. Sea kept receding in the morning. Calls of  Crows and other sea-birds mixed up with the noise of sea waves made the Beach aura.

Took a Shower then an Auto to the Bus Station just to check Bus routes and other information. Later decided to walk around the city to get the feel of it. Just in front of the Bus-Station is the Rukmavati river. It had dried up and there were numerous ships and boats in building process. Then I walked to the bridge built across the river which had Gateway of sorts through which vehicles pass, this bridge provides an excellent 360 degree view of the landscape. Just in front of it across the road is a small park.

Few minutes walk from here took me to the nearby Swaminarayan Temple, its beautiful and exquisitely crafted in marble. As I took off my slippers and walked up the steps of this temple, felt its marble cool even under harsh noon sun.

Had a burger and Pink Lady mock-tail at a restaurant. Then walked to the Mandvi Garden and Topnasar Lake. Was exhausted after this long walk so hired an Auto back to hotel.

Later bought Dhokla ,ate it in my room. At this Hotel's restaurant tried out Ragda-plate which was ok of sorts, then had tea. Bought Sweets and
Namkeen (snacks) from the Shree Sweet Shop.

I had planned to rest and then go and see sunset. But thankfully I met an Auto driver who said I should see Vijay Vilas Palace. At that point I didn't knew that "Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam" was shot there. I thought I have time let's go and see it. There is wilderness around the Palace and a long road takes you from the highway to its gates. From the Palace roof you can see all Mandvi including its Beach.

Vijay Vilas Palace is a small well-built palace, it seemed more like a summer retreat for the royal family. Exquisite wrought iron stairs  take you to the top. And as I ascended these stairs gusts of wind ruffled my hair, wind seemed to blow in from all around wilderness bringing with it forgotten memories ,evoking nostalgia or a feeling that these are spirits from time long gone by.

Another nice thing about this is unlike city you get unobstructed view of horizon all around you as there is nothing to obstruct it. One of the palace staff was really nice and informative telling me about two songs of Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam that were filmed here, and his memories of the stars . A well-laid garden surrounds the Palace. Lots of interesting pictures to see here, Royal family with Bollywood stars and other notable historical personalities. Many other artefacts and things of interest abound this Palace. I had never seen a Neel-gaya ,the Auto driver stopped his auto mid-way while we were leaving and pointed it out to me . I had to strain my eyes to see it clearly ,it seemed like a mix of Cow with the head of a deer. He was also nice enough and offered to take my picture outside the Palace gates.

I asked him to drop me at the Beach. I had a boiled corn-cob there. Beach bustled with families that have came down from the nearby city of Bhuj .Children enjoying rides on Camels, and families going around on horse-driven carriages.

Took an Auto back to Hotel, had a shoiwer then went down-stairs. Farhan was there eating his meal. There is a inn near by few steps from the Hotel, I had Gujrati Thal (meal) there ,which was again cheap and ok and certainly filled my stomach. When I went to sleep that night I crossed one item from my wish-list, for I have finally seen the sea.

9 April

Woke up early even before 4:00 a.m. ,couldn't sleep more. Decided to freshen up and later lay in bed thinking about future travel plans, later packed up my bags as I had decided to travel to Bhuj in the morning. I walked on to the Hotel Balcony, town was just rising from slumber. Went on to the roof of the Hotel to see if it gives view of the Beach, but the view was blocked by tall structures around it. At 6:30 went down-stairs to have Tea and also paid my hotel bill to the Night-watchman. Then went around for a morning stroll. Had a cup of Tea again before checking out of the Hotel. Then hired an Auto to the Bus-station.

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